Úvod Multimetry Stolní multimetry Keysight 34461A Digital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit TrueVolt DMM

Keysight 34461A Digital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit TrueVolt DMM

Doprava zdarma

Keysight 34461A Digital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit TrueVolt DMM

Display DMM results in ways you never have before

  • Color, graphical display with built-in bar chart, histogram, trend, math, and statistics
  • I/O: USB, LAN/LXI, GPIB (optional)

Measure with unquestioned Truevolt confidence

  • 11 measurement functions: DC/AC voltage, DC/AC current, 2- and 4-wire resistance, Diode, Continuity, Frequency, Period, Temperature
  • Basic accuracy: 0.0035% DC, 0.06% AC
  • 1000 V max voltage input, 10 A max current input

Move to the next generation 34401A DMM with 100% assurance

  • Industry's only 100% drop-in, SCPI compatible replacement for the Keysight 34401A DMM
  • System capability: 1000 readings/second, 10,000 reading memory

Cena bez DPH 35 438,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 42 879,98 Kč
Dostupnost Skladem
Kód produktu 34461A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight 34461A Digital multimeter, 6 1/2 digit TrueVolt DMM

Keysight’s Truevolt 34461A digital multimeter (DMM) is the new replacement for the 34401A DMM. The 34461A offers everything you’ve come to expect from the industry-standard 34401A with new display capabilities, Truevolt measurement performance and the industry’s only solution with 100%, drop-in 34401A compatibility.


Worry about the quality of your design, not the quality of your measurement

  • Patented analog-to-digital converter enables metrology grade architecture
  • Measure your real-world signals, not instrument error: minimized measurement error, digital AC measurements and expanded measurement functionality
  • All specifications tested, compliant and guaranteed according to ISO/IEC 17025

Everything you depend on with the 34401A and more   

  • Industry's only 100% drop-in, SCPI compatible replacement for the 34401A DMM
  • Designed by the same team of engineers as the 34401A

See the Truevolt DMM difference for yourself - View Interactive Demo


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