Úvod Multimetry Příslušenství Ostatní Keysight 34171B Input terminal block for digital multimeters

Keysight 34171B Input terminal block for digital multimeters

  • Wire Size: 18 gauge or smaller recommended
  • Wire Type: Unplated copper recommended
  • Maximum Voltage: 1000 V
  • Terminals: Low-thermal copper alloys
  • Termination: Five shrouded banana plugs
  • Safety: Meets or exceeds IEC 1010-2-031
  • Quantity: 2
  •   Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 7 956,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 9 626,76 Kč
Dostupnost 7 týdnů
Kód produktu 34171B

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight 34171B Input terminal block for digital multimeters

The Keysight 34171B DMM input terminal connector block is a set of two connectors which provide a convenient and reliable method to connect wires to all five input terminals. Terminals are made of low-thermal copper alloys to minimize thermally-induced voltages caused by dissimilar metals. For minimum thermal offset voltages, use unplated copper wire of the same gauge for all connections.


The Keysight 34171B is compatible with the Keysight 34460A, 34461A, 34401A, 34410A, 34411A, and L4411A digital multimeters.


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