Úvod Měřicí ústředny a sběr dat Měřicí ústředny Keysight Moduly Keysight DAQM904A 4 x 8 Two-Wire Matrix Module for DAQ970A

Keysight DAQM904A 4 x 8 Two-Wire Matrix Module for DAQ970A

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Keysight DAQM904A 4 x 8 Two-Wire Matrix Module for DAQ970A

Cena bez DPH 19 136,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 23 154,56 Kč
Dostupnost Skladem
Kód produktu DAQM904A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight DAQM904A 4 x 8 Two-Wire Matrix Module for DAQ970A

The Keysight DAQM904A module for the DAQ970A Data Acquisition System gives you the most flexible connection path between your device under test and your test equipment, allowing different instruments to be connected to multiple points on your DUT at the same time. Rows or columns may be connected between multiple modules to build 8 x 8, 4 x 16 or larger matrices, with up to 96 cross points in a single frame.


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