Úvod Měřicí ústředny a sběr dat Měřicí ústředny Keysight Moduly Keysight DAQM902A 16 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A

Keysight DAQM902A 16 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A

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Keysight DAQM902A 16 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A

  • 16 Channel Multiplexer
  • Two- and four-wire scanning
  • 250 ch/s scanning
  • Built-in thermocouple reference junction
  •   Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 18 768,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 22 709,28 Kč
Dostupnost Skladem
Kód produktu DAQM902A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight DAQM902A 16 Channel Multiplexer (2/4-wire) Module for DAQ970A

The Keysight DAQM902A module for the DAQ970A Data Acquisition System employs reed relays to achieve scan rates up to 250 channels-per-second. Use this module for high-throughput automated test applications as well as high-speed data logging and monitoring tasks. Sixteen two-wire inputs switch up to 300 V. Two-and four-wire channels may be mixed on the same module. User provided shunt resistors are required for current measurements.


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