Keysight DSOX2012A Oscilloscope, 2-channel, 100MHz
Get more scope for the same budget with breakthrough technology:
- Max Memory Depth 1 Mpt/channel (standard)
- Max Sample Rate 2 GSa/s
- Waveform Update Rate 200.000 Wfrm/s
- 8,5-inch display
- Segmented memory (standard)
- Advanced Waveform Math (standard)
- Serial Protocol Analysis - OPTIONAL: CAN, LIN, I²C, SPI, RS232/422/485/UART
- Built-in 3-digit voltmeter and 5-digit counter, OPTIONAL: Digital channels, 20 MHz Function Gen
Keysight BenchVue software application for easy control of this instrument from PC is now INCLUDED.
Need more functions?
More than 300 software options is available. For consultation or order please contact us. Detailní informace
Cena bez DPH | 61 724,00 Kč |
Cena s DPH | 74 686,04 Kč |
Dostupnost | 7 týdnů |
Kód produktu | DSOX2012A |
Záruka 60 měsíců
Detailní popis Keysight DSOX2012A Oscilloscope, 2-channel, 100MHz
The InfiniiVision 2000 X-Series offers entry-level price points to fit your budget with superior performance and optional capabilities that are not available in any other oscilloscope in its class. This Keysight Technologies, Inc. breakthrough technology delivers more scope for the same budget.
With more scope, you can:
Videa a soubory ke stažení Keysight DSOX2012A Oscilloscope, 2-channel, 100MHz
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