Úvod Generátory Pulzní-arbitrary-funkční generátory Aim-TTi AIM-TTI_TGP3152 Pulse and Universal Generator 50MHz, dual channel

AIM-TTI_TGP3152 Pulse and Universal Generator 50MHz, dual channel

Doprava zdarma

AIM-TTI_TGP3152 Pulse and Universal Generator 50MHz, dual channel

  • Pulse waveforms from 1mHz to 50MHz, minimum rise time 5ns
  • Very low jitter synchronous and asynchronous operation
  • Pulse, double pulse, pulse pattern and PRBS waveforms
  • Pulse period, width and delay resolutions of 100ps or 11 digits
  • Independently variable rise and fall times from 5ns to 800 seconds
  • Wide range of pulse modulations including AM, FM, PM, FSK, BPSK, SUM, PWM, PDM using internal or external modulation sources.
  • Full Noise generator to 25MHz with selectable crest factor and user defined distribution
  • Full Arbitrary/Function generator with 16 waveform types - sine waves up to 50MHz
  • Linear and logarithmic sweeps of all waveform types
  • Front panel mounted USB Flash drive interface
  • GPIB, USB and LXI compliant LAN interfaces
  • Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 63 804,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 77 202,84 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu AIM-TTI_TGP3152

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis AIM-TTI_TGP3152 Pulse and Universal Generator 50MHz, dual channel

The TGP3100 Series are true pulse generators using all digital techniques. They can replicate the capabilities of traditional pulse generators whilst adding many additional facilities such as pulse modulations. Unlike DDS based function generators the TGP3100 Series can generate pulses up to 50MHz with very low jitter and high resolution of width and delay (100ps). They can also operate in an asynchronously triggered mode with low jitter. A high drive capability output stage enables up to 20 volts pk-pk to be driven into a 50 Ohm load.

As well as operating as pulse generators, the instruments can act as high performance noise generators and as function/arbitrary generators - making them truly universal waveform generators.

As a noise generator, the TGP3100 series offers fully variable noise bandwidth from 1mHz up to 25MHz. Noise amplitude distribution can be Gaussian (with variable crest factor) or fully user defined.

The TGP3100 Series can operate as a high performance function generator at up to 50MHz. Sixteen standard waveforms include sine, square, triangle, ramps, sinc, cardiac, plus logarithmic, exponential and gaussian shapes.

With an 800MS/s sample clock, the TGP3100 series can perform as high speed arbitrary generators with 16-bit vertical resolution and up to 4096 waveform points.


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