Úvod Zdroje stejnosměrné (DC) Stejnosměrné zdroje Aim-TTi Počítačově řízené Aim-TTI PL303QMT-P Bench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Triple Ouput, 2 x 30V/3A plus 6V/6A, USB, RS232 & LAN Interfaces

Aim-TTI PL303QMT-P Bench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Triple Ouput, 2 x 30V/3A plus 6V/6A, USB, RS232 & LAN Interfaces

Doprava zdarma

Aim-TTI PL303QMT-P Bench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Triple Ouput, 2 x 30V/3A plus 6V/6A, USB, RS232 & LAN Interfaces

PL Series

  • Models from 6V/8A up to 60V/1.5A
  • Linear regulation - for the best performance
  • Ultra-compact design - uses up less space
  • True Analogue controls - for ease of use
  • S-Lock function - instantly lock settings
  • V-Span function - customize the voltage range
  • Low current range and current meter averaging
  • DC output switches and "view limits" button
  • Selectable remote sense terminals
  • Independent, Isolated Tracking, Ratio Tracking and True Parallel modes on dual & triple models
  • High current low voltage output on triple output model
  • RS-232, USB and LAN (Ethernet), GPIB optional (P models)
  • LAN Interface conforms with LXI standard (P models)
  • Analogue remote control of V and I (single output P models)
  • Front and rear terminals (P models)
  • Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 38 376,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 46 434,96 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu AIM-TTI_PL303QMT-P

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Aim-TTI PL303QMT-P Bench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Triple Ouput, 2 x 30V/3A plus 6V/6A, USB, RS232 & LAN Interfaces

    The New PL series achieves an exceptional power density for a linear regulated power supply by offering up to 90 watts from a ¼ rack 3U sized casing. This gives it an unusually small bench footprint taking up less space on a crowded bench. For rack-mount application, up to four units can be mounted into a single slot.


    Despite its small size and linear regulation, the New PL series generates relatively little heat through the use of an advanced phase controlled preregulator. This gives it significantly higher energy efficiency than conventional linear regulated designs, particularly when supplying lower voltages. The internal heat-sinks use fan-assisted convection cooling in order to remove the heat with minimal fan noise.


    The New PL-P series includes all of the manual control features of the New PL series, but adds comprehensive remote control facilities. The ultra-compact rack-modular sizing makes it ideally suited to rack mounted system applications, while its user-friendly manual controls are retained for bench top applications.

    Power and sense terminals are duplicated on the rear panel for rack mount applications or other situations where rear connection is more appropriate.

    Single output PL-P units include analog voltage control of voltage and current (non-isolated). Analog control outputs are also incorporated to enable easy parallel connection of multiple units in a master-slave configuration. Terminals for remote on/off control are also provided.

    Up to four single output units can be fitted into one rack width.


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Příslušenství Aim-TTI PL303QMT-P Bench System DC Power Supply, Linear Regulation, Smart Analog Controls Triple Ouput, 2 x 30V/3A plus 6V/6A, USB, RS232 & LAN Interfaces

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