Úvod Měřicí ústředny a sběr dat Měřicí ústředny Keysight Moduly Keysight 34907A Multifunction Module for the 34970A

Keysight 34907A Multifunction Module for the 34970A

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Keysight 34907A Multifunction Module for the 34970A

  • 16 bits of digital input and output
  • 100 kHz totalizer input
  • Two +/-12V analog outputs
  •   Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 16 473,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 19 932,33 Kč
Dostupnost 7 týdnů
Kód produktu 34907A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight 34907A Multifunction Module for the 34970A

The Keysight 34907A module for the 34970A/34972A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit allows great flexibility for a variety of sense and control applications. It combines two 8-bit ports of digital input and output, a 100 kHz gated totalizer, and two ±12V analog outputs - all on a single earth-referenced module. The digital inputs and totalizer input may be included in a scan. Alarm limits for the digital and event counter inputs are evaluated continuously, capturing and logging alarm conditions even between scans.


Digital Input/Ouput


Use the digital outputs with an external power supply to control microwave switches and attenuators, solenoids, power relays, indicators, and more. Use the digital inputs to sense limit switch and digital bus status. There are no complex handshake modes; reads and writes are initiated either from the front panel or the bus.


Totalize Input


Count events from devices like photo interrupters, limit switches, and Hall-effect sensors.


It keeps an updated total which can be read via the front panel or programmatically at any time. With 26 bits of resolution, it can count events at full speed for nearly 45 minutes without an overflow.


Analog Output


Use the two electronically calibrated analog outputs to source bias voltages to your device under test, to control your analog programmable po wer supplies, or use the outputs as setpoints for your control systems. The outputs are programmed directly in volts, either from the front panel or from the bus.


Standard Product Includes:

  • 1 34907A, Multifunction Module
  • 1 Certificate of Calibration


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