Úvod Měřicí ústředny a sběr dat Měřicí ústředny Keysight Moduly Keysight 34905A RF Multiplexer Module for the 34970A, Dual 4-Channel, 50 OHM

Keysight 34905A RF Multiplexer Module for the 34970A, Dual 4-Channel, 50 OHM

Doprava zdarma

Keysight 34905A RF Multiplexer Module for the 34970A, Dual 4-Channel,  50 OHM

  • Dual 4 Channel RF Multiplexer
  • 2 GHz bandwidth, 50 Ohm
  • Cascade together for up to 16:1 multiplexer
  •   Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 32 002,50 Kč
Cena s DPH 38 723,03 Kč
Dostupnost 7 týdnů
Kód produktu 34905A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight 34905A RF Multiplexer Module for the 34970A, Dual 4-Channel, 50 OHM

The Keysight 34905A RF multiplexer module for the 34970A/34972A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit offers broadband switching capabilities for high-frequency and pulsed signals. Use it to route test signals between your device under test and your signal generator, oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or other instrumentation.

The RF multiplexers are arranged as two independent 1 x 4 multiplexers, each with a common shield and a switched center conductor. Connections can be made directly to SMB inputs with 2 GHz usable bandwidth, or to the BNC-to-SMB adapters provided with 1 GHz bandwidth. Multiple banks may be cascaded together for applications requiring even larger topologies-- create a stubless 16:1 multiplexer in a single frame.


Standard Product Includes:

  • 1 34905A, Dual 4-Channel 50 Ohm RF Multiplexer Module
  • 1 Certificate of Calibration
  • 10 Cables, 50 Ohm (SMB to BNC)


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