Úvod Spektrální analyzátory Ruční analyzátory Aim-TTi Příslušenství AIM-TTI_PSA U02 PSA Series 5 Features Upgrade

AIM-TTI_PSA U02 PSA Series 5 Features Upgrade

AIM-TTI_PSA U02 PSA Series 5 Features Upgrade

    Option U02 additional features:

  • High Resolution Scan Mode - up to 210,000 points with pan and zoom
  • Data logging of peak values, complete traces or screen images from timer, external trigger or limits comparator
  • Limit lines and limit patterns with limits comparator
  • Automatic Measurements for CP, ACPR and OBW
  • Waveform demodulation for AM and FM signals
  • Compensation tables, fixed offsets and 75R compensation
  • Sweep triggering from external trigger or limits comparator
  • Custom Presets - fast change for repetitive setups
  • Capability to show screen contents on a PC
  • Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 6 605,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 7 992,05 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu AIM-TTI_PSA U02

Záruka 36 měsíců

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