Úvod Osciloskopy Osciloskopy Keysight HD3 Series Keysight HD3SECURE Enhanced Security for InfiniiVision 300 HD-Series

Keysight HD3SECURE Enhanced Security for InfiniiVision 300 HD-Series

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Keysight HD3SECURE Enhanced Security for InfiniiVision 300 HD-Series

Promotion: Get two SW applications for free with purchase of HD3 oscilloscope! Closer info and other promotions HERE.

  • Clear all user-accessible files from non-volatile memory from each power cycle while preserving all save and recall functionalities during operation.
  • Disable communication ports (USB and Ethernet) to prevent data from entering or leaving the oscilloscope.
  • Inactivate firmware upgrades easily.
  • Employ robust password protection for all features.

More detailed specifications and dimensions of available models are specified in data sheet. Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 24 284,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 29 383,64 Kč
Dostupnost 5 týdnů
Kód produktu HD3SECURE

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight HD3SECURE Enhanced Security for InfiniiVision 300 HD-Series

Make your HD3 series even more safe for your secure setting. Add this option on at any time with a license upgrade that is immediately sent.

Add more stringent security features to your HD3 oscilloscope, including disabling non-volatile memory, disabling USB and LAN ports, disabling firmware upgrades, and password protection.


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