Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W
Output rating: 30 W
- Voltage: 6 V
- Current: 5 A
- Power: 30 W
Programming accuracy: ± (% of output + offset)
- Voltage: 0.05% + 3 mV
- Current: 0.05% + 5 mA
Ripple & noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz)
- Voltage rms: 350 µV
- Voltage peak-to-peak: 8 mV
- Current rms: 2 mA
Readback accuracy
- Voltage: 0.05% + 3 mV
- Current: 0.05% + 4 mA
Keysight BenchVue software application for easy control of this instrument from PC is now INCLUDED.
Detailní informaceCena bez DPH | 29 874,00 Kč |
Cena s DPH | 36 147,54 Kč |
Dostupnost | 11 týdnů |
Kód produktu | E36102B |
Záruka 36 měsíců
Detailní popis Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W
Keysight E36100B Series basic DC power supplies feature a compact size (2U, ¼-rack), a high-contrast OLED display that is viewable from any angle, and modern USB and LAN (LXI Core) connectivity. Use the highly accurate low-current measure feature for demanding measurements. Protect your DUT with built-in overvoltage and overcurrent protection, and count on the built-in overtemperature protection to keep your power supply safe. Get connected to your instrument quickly via the intuitive front-panel interface, a Web interface running on a browser, a SCPI or IVI program, Keysight IO Libraries, or a BenchVue app running on your PC or mobile device. Choose the best model for your needs: five models offer up to 5 A or 100 V.
Videa a soubory ke stažení Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W
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