Úvod Zdroje stejnosměrné (DC) Stejnosměrné zdroje Keysight Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W

Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W

Doprava zdarma

Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W

Output rating: 30 W

  • Voltage: 6 V
  • Current: 5 A
  • Power: 30 W

Programming accuracy: ± (% of output + offset)

  • Voltage: 0.05% + 3 mV
  • Current: 0.05% + 5 mA

Ripple & noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz)

  • Voltage rms: 350 µV
  • Voltage peak-to-peak: 8 mV
  • Current rms: 2 mA

Readback accuracy

  • Voltage: 0.05% + 3 mV
  • Current: 0.05% + 4 mA

Cena bez DPH 29 874,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 36 147,54 Kč
Dostupnost 11 týdnů
Kód produktu E36102B

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight E36102B Power supply, 6V, 5A, 30W

Keysight E36100B Series basic DC power supplies feature a compact size (2U, ¼-rack), a high-contrast OLED display that is viewable from any angle, and modern USB and LAN (LXI Core) connectivity. Use the highly accurate low-current measure feature for demanding measurements. Protect your DUT with built-in overvoltage and overcurrent protection, and count on the built-in overtemperature protection to keep your power supply safe. Get connected to your instrument quickly via the intuitive front-panel interface, a Web interface running on a browser, a SCPI or IVI program, Keysight IO Libraries, or a BenchVue app running on your PC or mobile device. Choose the best model for your needs: five models offer up to 5 A or 100 V.


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