Úvod Generátory Arbitrary-funkční generátory GW Instek GW Instek AFG-4225E Dual-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

GW Instek AFG-4225E Dual-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

Doprava zdarma

GW Instek AFG-4225E Dual-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

  • Dual-channel Output 25 MHz
  • Built-in Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse, Noise, Harmonic Wave, Arbitrary Wave
  • Min. Resolution : 1 µHz
  • Sampling Rate: 125 MSa/s
  • Amplitude Resolution 14 bits
  • Memory Length: 10M/per channel
  • Modulation : AM, DSB-AM, FM, PM, PWM, ASK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK, FSK, 3FSK, 4FSK, OSK, SUM
  • Built-in Sweep, Burst, Counter Function
  • Communication Interface : USB
  • 8” TFT LCD Display, 800 x 480 Resolution

More detailed specifications and dimensions of available models are specified in data sheet. Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 11 050,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 13 370,50 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu GW_AFG-4225E (USB) (CE)

Záruka 24 měsíců

Detailní popis GW Instek AFG-4225E Dual-channel 25MHz arbitrary function generator

AFG-4000 series arbitrary function signal generators, which provide 25MHz 250MHz ~ bandwidth, single-channel and dual-channel designs, and feature 1 Hz high-resolution in the whole frequency bandwidth. The series has built-in standard signals including sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, pulse wave, noise wave, harmonic wave, etc.

The highest bandwidth 250MHz model provides 1.25GSa/s sample rate; the mid-range models ranging from 35MHz ~ 100MHz provide 500MSa/s sample rate; and the 25MHz entry-level models have a sample rate of 125MSa/s. For vertical resolution, the 35MHz ~ 250MHz models feature 16-bit resolution, and 25MHz entry-level models provide 14-bit resolution.

In addition, the AFG-4000 series provides the modulation signal outputs of AM, DSB-AM, FM, PM, PWM, ASK, PSK, BPSK, QPSK, FSK, 3FSK, 4FSK, OSK, SUM, signal sweep outputs, and the Burst and Counter functions. AFG-4125AE has the built-in amplifier function.

The AFG-4000 series has the built-in 50 ohm/high impedance switching function, and is equipped with an 8-inch high-resolution TFT LCD, and the models above 35MHz are equipped with the touch screen function. For communications interfaces, models above 35MHz are built-in USB and LAN communications interfaces


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