Úvod Sale Demo_ThinkRF R5550-408_8 GHz spektrální analyzátor

Demo_ThinkRF R5550-408_8 GHz spektrální analyzátor

Doprava zdarma

Demo_ThinkRF R5550-408_8 GHz spektrální analyzátor

Frequency Ranges

  • 9 kHz to 8 / 18 / 27 GHz

Frequency Reference

  • ±1.0 ppm
  • ±1.0 ppm 0°C to 55°C
  • ±1.0 ppm per year

Real-Time Bandwidth (RTBW)

  • 0.1 / 10 / 40 / 100 MHz

Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR)

  • 60 dBc (typical*)
  • 70 dBc (typical*)
  • 100 dBc (typical*)
  • 100 MHz RTBW
  • 10 / 40 MHz RTBW
  • 0.1 MHz RTBW

Amplitude Accuracy (25 °C ± 5 °C) ± 2.00 dB typical* 50 MHz to 27 GHz

Attenuator Range 0 to 30 dB in 10 dB steps

Maximum Safe RF Input Level +10 dBm, Max DC: 10 V  Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 62 384,40 Kč
Cena s DPH 75 485,12 Kč
Běžná cena (vč. DPH) 125 808,54 Kč
Ušetříte 50 323,42 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu SALE_R5550-408

Záruka 6 měsíců

Detailní popis Demo_ThinkRF R5550-408_8 GHz spektrální analyzátor

thinkRFTM makes the cost-effective testing and monitoring of billions of wireless devices possible. Built on innovative softwaredefined radio technologies, the thinkRF R5550 RealTime Spectrum Analyzer has the performance of a traditional lab-grade spectrum analyzer at a fraction of the
cost, size, weight and power consumption. Designed for distributed deployment in the lab, in the field, or in a vehicle, the portable, fanless thinkRF R5550 provides the benefits of a high-performance softwaredefined RF receiver, digitizer and analyzer.

The R5550 analyzer is silent, lightweight, and offers improved spectral
performance in a more rugged form factor. Based on an optimized software-defined radio receiver architecture coupled with real-time digitization and
digital signal processing. This enables wide bandwidth, deep dynamic range and 27 GHz frequency range in a small, stylish one-box platform. 
On top of this market disruptive platform, thinkRF provides a rich set of standard APIs and programming environments for easy and quick use with existing or new test and monitoring applications. 


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