Kust LM1010A Precision LCR Meter
LM1010: up to 200kHz with 37 frequency points
- AC Signal: 20mV - 1V
- Up to 40 measurement/sec.
- 30Ω, 100Ω output impedance
- 4.3” LCD Display
- Test Signal Level Monitor
- Parameters: L,C, R, |Z|, D, X, θ, Q, DCR
- Basic Accuracy: 0.05%
- Comms: RS232, HANDLER,USB host, GPIB(optional)
- Internal memory for 100 instrument settings
- LED Indication of the result Green - PASS / Red - FAIL
- Beeper - result sound indication
- Trigger Function: Manual, Internal, External, BUS
- Internal Memory for 100 Instrument Settings
- Key-Lock with password function
- Correction/Compensation Function Detailní informace
Cena s DPH | na dotaz |
Dostupnost | 5 týdnů |
Kód produktu | KU_LM1010A |
Produkt již bohužel není dostupný |
Záruka 12 měsíců
Detailní popis Kust LM1010A Precision LCR Meter
LM1010 is a precision LCR meter with high accuracy, good stability, and wide measurement range. Controlled by a 16 bits MPU, LM1010 can be used for evaluating LCR components, materials and semiconductor devices over a wide range of frequencies (50 Hz to 100kHZ) and test signal levels (50mV to 1V, with 10mV resolution ).
With its powerful functions, excellent performance, easy to read LCD display and easy menu operation, LM1010 is suitable for high speed measurement needed on product line and high accuracy and stability measurement need in laboratory.
By using the Handler interface, IEEE488 interface (optional), and RS232C interface, LM1010 ca be easily implemented to automatic test system or computer remote control.
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