Úvod Zdroje stejnosměrné (DC) Stejnosměrné zdroje Keysight Keysight EDU36311A DC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 30 V, 1 A, 90 W; LAN, USB

Keysight EDU36311A DC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 30 V, 1 A, 90 W; LAN, USB

Doprava zdarma

Keysight EDU36311A DC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 30 V, 1 A, 90 W; LAN, USB

  • 3 Independent Outputs
  • Total Power 90 W
  • Ripple and Noise <1 mVrms
  • Accuracy 0.05% +10 mV
  • USB and LAN (LXI Core)
  • PathWave BenchVue power supply software for remote control and data logging
  • Accurate current and voltage control with excellent programming and readback
  • Measure with confidence using exceptional line and load regulation for a stable output
  • PathWave BenchVue power supply software for remote control and data logging
  • Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 24 648,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 29 824,08 Kč
Dostupnost Skladem
Kód produktu EDU36311A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight EDU36311A DC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 30 V, 1 A, 90 W; LAN, USB

Keysight EDU36311A triple-output power supply is part of the Keysight Smart Bench Series of four unique instruments that harness one powerful graphical interface to connect, control, and capture measurement data. The bench power supply's compact design allows it to fit anywhere on your bench. Monitor all your outputs simultaneously from any angle with its sizeable 7-inch color display.

Each output is independent — connect your outputs in series for higher voltage, in parallel for additional current, or stack them to provide 0 to ±30 V. A sequencing feature enables and disables outputs in a set pattern. For example, to power up control logic before applying powering the rest of your device.


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Videa a soubory ke stažení Keysight EDU36311A DC power supply, triple-output, 6 V, 5 A and 2 x 30 V, 1 A, 90 W; LAN, USB


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