Keysight AC6918L AC Power Source 320Vrms, 18kVA, 550Hz, 3 Phase
- Single-phase, single-phase threewire, or three-phase four-wire
- AC, DC, or AC plus DC mode
- maximum AC voltage at 320 Vrms
- maximum DC voltage at 452 V
- frequency up to 5 kHz
- power line disturbance
- sequencing
- harmonic analysis
- built-in waveform generation
- 180-235V,3 phase AC,50/60Hz INPUT (opt. AC6918L-200)
- 360-440V,3 phase AC,50/60Hz INPUT (opt. AC6918L-400)
- over and undervoltage including current protection
- output inhibit
- soft start/stop function
- analog and digital control
- LAN eXtensions, USB, and GPIB Detailní informace
Built-in tests
Cena s DPH | na dotaz |
Dostupnost | 14 týdnů i |
Kód produktu | AC6918L |
Záruka 12 měsíců
Detailní popis Keysight AC6918L AC Power Source 320Vrms, 18kVA, 550Hz, 3 Phase
Keysight’s AC6900 Series AC power sources provide a complete AC and DC power solution by combining the capabilities of a multimeter, harmonic analyzer, and power analyzer in one instrument. You can easily produce DC power, either alone or as a DC offset to an AC waveform, in a compact form factor.
AC6900 Series AC power sources have extensive measurement capabilities that would typically require many complex measurement instruments encompassing multimeter, harmonic analyzer, and power analyzer. This solution is suitable for testing equipment in the avionics industry that operates at nominally 400 Hz, 800 Hz, or up to 5,000 Hz meet RTCA DO-160 and MIL-STD-704 standards. These two standards include both AC and DC immunity tests. You will experience the following precision measurements:
- AC, DC, AC plus DC voltage, and current
- peak voltage and current
- real, apparent, and reactive power; crest factor and power factor
- harmonic analysis of voltage and current waveforms providing amplitude and phase up to the 50th harmonic
- total harmonic distortion (THD)
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