Úvod Multimetry Stolní multimetry Keysight 34420A Nanovolt/micro-ohm meter, 7.5 digit

Keysight 34420A Nanovolt/micro-ohm meter, 7.5 digit

Doprava zdarma

Keysight 34420A Nanovolt/micro-ohm meter, 7.5 digit

  • 7½ digit resolution
  • 100 pV, 100 nΩ sensitivity
  • 1.3 nVrms, 8 nVpp noise performance
  • Built-in low noise 2 channel scanner
  • Direct SPRT, RTD, Thermistor, and Thermocouple
  • 2 ppm basic 24-hour dcV accuracy
  • RS-232, GPIB
  • Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 188 266,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 227 801,86 Kč
Dostupnost 7 týdnů
Kód produktu 34420A

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight 34420A Nanovolt/micro-ohm meter, 7.5 digit

The Keysight 34420A nano-volt / micro-ohm meter is a high-sensitivity multimeter optimized for performing low-level measurements. This digital ohm meter combines low-noise voltage measurements with resistance and temperature functions. This new standard in low-level flexibility and performance provides you with accurate, repeatable measurements you can count on.

  • High-sensitivity DCV and resistance measurements at 100 pico-volt and 100 nano-ohm
  • Accurate temperature measurements with 0.003 ˚C accuracy using standard platinum resistance thermometer (SPRT) probes
  • Built-in low noise 2-channel scanner simplifies voltage comparisons
  • Includes BenchVue software license, making it easier to connect, control instruments, and automate test sequences
  • Nahoru

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