Úvod Přístrojová komunikace Kabely Keysight 10833D GPIB cable, 0.5 meter

Keysight 10833D GPIB cable, 0.5 meter

Cena bez DPH 2 531,64 Kč
Cena s DPH 3 063,28 Kč
Dostupnost Skladem
Kód produktu 10833D

Záruka 36 měsíců

Detailní popis Keysight 10833D GPIB cable, 0.5 meter

The Keysight 10833D (0.5 meter) GPIB cable is engineered for exceptional reliability and durability even under the harshest conditions. When you buy Keysight GPIB cables, you can be sure of automatic, seamless compatibility between computers and instruments throughout your system. GPIB interface cables, cards, and software for your computers make it easy for you to access and control instruments and exchange data - and it all starts with the cables to connect your computer and instrument. Keysight GPIB cables are fully compatible with the IEEE 44.1 mechanical specification.


To quickly establish instrument connection on a PC, download and install Keysight IO Libraries Suite


Automate and perform data analysis on your test system easily with Keysight VEE Pro


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