Úvod LCR metry Stolní LCR metry GW Instek GW Instek_LCR-6100 100kHz Precision LCR Meter

GW Instek_LCR-6100 100kHz Precision LCR Meter

Doprava zdarma

GW Instek_LCR-6100 100kHz Precision LCR Meter

  • 3.5” color LCD
  • 10Hz - 100kHz
  • Consecutive test frequency
  • Basic accuracy : 0.05%
  • Measuring speed up to 25ms (max.)
  • Full frequency range or spot OPEN/SHORT
  • 16 major/secondary parameter measurement combinations and two additional monitoring parameters(maximum four different parameters can be shown simultaneously)
  • DCR measurement and internal D.C. bias voltage (±2.5V)
  • PASS/FAIL judgment
  • Auto Level Control (ALC) function
  • BIN function provides 9BIN and 1AUX, totally 10 BIN
  • 10 steps listed tests to select different frequency, voltage and current criteria
  • Standard interface : RS-232C, Handler and USB storage
  • Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 46 436,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 56 187,56 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu GW_LCR-6100

Záruka 24 měsíců

Detailní popis GW Instek_LCR-6100 100kHz Precision LCR Meter

GW Instek introduces the brand new high precision LCR meter─LCR-6000 series, which, with five models, has a test frequency range extending from 2kHz/20kHz/100kHz/200kHz/300kHz (maximum) and with 0.05% basic accuracy. The compact size design, 2U height and 1/2 rack, is one of the practical features of the series which is the optimum space saver suitable for either bench top or system rack. The compacted LCR-6000 series with abundant features is absolutely the excellent tool for R&D, production test, IQC, etc. on implementing each test stages for passive components.

The LCR-6000 series provides rich functionalities with the compact size. First of all, the entire series adopts 3.5-inch color LCD and features opulent display parameters. In addition to simultaneously displaying setting criteria and measurement results, the series increases two additional monitoring parameters. In other words, there are four parameters, primary/secondary and two monitoring, simultaneously shown on the screen that tremendously enhances the measurement efficiency. The enlarge display mode not only emphasizes the measurement results, but also provides PASS/FAIL judgment to facilitate a rapid and convenient test result.


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