Úvod Zdroje stejnosměrné (DC) Stejnosměrné zdroje GW Instek GW Instek GPE-6030 3-channel, 385W linear DC power supply

GW Instek GPE-6030 3-channel, 385W linear DC power supply

Doprava zdarma

GW Instek GPE-6030 3-channel, 385W linear DC power supply

  • 1/2/3 independent isolated output channels
  • GPE-6030 supports CH1/CH2: 0 ~ 60V / 0 ~ 3A output; CH3 supports 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5.0V at 5A
  • Series/parallel tracking function
  • High program resolution of 10mV/1mA and measurement resolution of 30mV/10mA
  • Output On/Off function
  • Simple analog control interface
  • Multiple protection apparatuses such as overvoltage and overload protection functions

More detailed specifications and dimensions of available models are specified in data sheet. Detailní informace

Cena bez DPH 16 562,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 20 040,02 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu GW_GPE-6030

Záruka 24 měsíců

Detailní popis GW Instek GPE-6030 3-channel, 385W linear DC power supply

The GPE-3060/6030 launched by GW Instek are high-resolution linear DC power supplies. Their primary aim is to replace the existing GPC-3060D/ 6030D models. The GPE-3060/6030 deliver 385 watts of output power and feature three independent isolated output channels. The GPE-3060 offers CH1/CH2 outputs of 0 to 30V and 0 to 6A, while the GPE-6030 supports CH1/CH2 outputs of 0 to 60V and 0 to 3A. Both models feature CH3 outputs of 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V, and 5.0V at 5A.

With respect to high program resolution, GPE-3060 provides 10mV/2mA and GPE-6030 offers 20mV/1mA. GPE-3060/6030 adopts a new hybrid power supply design, which can save 13% of power consumption compared with the wattage of the conventional linear power supplies, and the volume and weight are significantly reduced.


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