Úvod Zdroje stejnosměrné (DC) Stejnosměrné zdroje Aim-TTi Manuální Aim-TTI QPX600D Bench/System DC Power Supplies, PowerFlex or PowerFlex+ regulated Dual Outputs, 2 x 80V/50A 600W PowerFlex+, No Bus Interfaces

Aim-TTI QPX600D Bench/System DC Power Supplies, PowerFlex or PowerFlex+ regulated Dual Outputs, 2 x 80V/50A 600W PowerFlex+, No Bus Interfaces

Doprava zdarma

Aim-TTI QPX600D Bench/System DC Power Supplies, PowerFlex or PowerFlex+ regulated Dual Outputs, 2 x 80V/50A 600W PowerFlex+, No Bus Interfaces

QPX Series

  • Single or dual outputs, 1200 watts total
  • PowerFlex design gives variable voltage/current combinations within a power envelope
  • Up to 60 volts or 80 volts and up to 50 amps
  • Setting by direct numeric entry or by spin wheel
  • High setting resolution of 1mV in up to 60 volts
  • Low noise of < 3mV rms at full power
  • Bench or rack mounting, front and rear terminals
  • Quasi analogue remote control
  • RS232, USB GPIB & LAN interfaces (P models)
Cena bez DPH 56 550,00 Kč
Cena s DPH 68 425,50 Kč
Dostupnost Na dotaz
Kód produktu AIM-TTI_QPX600D

Záruka 36 měsíců

Videa a soubory ke stažení Aim-TTI QPX600D Bench/System DC Power Supplies, PowerFlex or PowerFlex+ regulated Dual Outputs, 2 x 80V/50A 600W PowerFlex+, No Bus Interfaces


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Příslušenství Aim-TTI QPX600D Bench/System DC Power Supplies, PowerFlex or PowerFlex+ regulated Dual Outputs, 2 x 80V/50A 600W PowerFlex+, No Bus Interfaces

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